Waiting on Student Finance

My university has enrolled me on my PGCE course and I have my login. Very exciting! Only, I can’t finish my registration until Student Finance has confirmed my loan. I’m being slightly obsessive about checking for updates, but I know that this won’t make them work any faster. It’s getting close to September, and I’m anxious about whether they will process it before the start of the term.

In the meantime, I have been checking out some of the recommended reading from Blackboard and carefully writing this down in my diary for evidence. I know from past experience that at some point I will be asked what I have done for my own personal development, so I have noted the date, website, a brief summary of the points and my response to it.

What can I say? I’m keen to get started and determined that this time I will be organised, proactive and reflective. To support this, I am currently reading Becoming a Reflective English Teacher edited by Andrew Green. I can see now why I found this book so baffling before. When I attempted a PGCE back in 2017, I had no background in education and felt like I was fumbling around in a dark room trying to find a light switch. Now, I can visualise the authors’ explanations of how to reflect on a lesson. I’ll write about this book in my next blog.

Thanks for reading.

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